Some cool links that I like!
Cool laptops
Framework Laptop - A really great company that produces laptops that are easy to take apart, fix, and upgrade.
Insurgo Privay laptops - A QubesOS (My personal favourite OS) certified laptop with a focus on privacy.
Nitrokey - Overall a reallty great company commonly known for their 2fa keys, however they also make a variety of other privacy based products including QubesOS certified laptops.
Cool Websites
Google Graveyard - A website where you can check out all the projects that have been "killed" by Google.
Download old retro games and abandonware - A great website where you can download old abandonware games.
How many people are in space right now - A website where you can see the number of people in space right now as well as their name, country of origin, and how long they have been up there.
Neocities Websites
Spyware Watchdog - A great site with info on programs such as web browsers, messaging clients, music players, and other software. It gives each software a rating based on their "Spyware level" which is basically how much tracking and info collecting the software does.
Dig Deeper - Another great website about privacy and some unrelated reviews.
Sadgrl - A great website tons of resources on website developing as well as other really cool stuff.
Three.js sketches - A collection of really well done and cool Three.js sketches.
EDZ - One of the most well designed websites I have ever seen, and his art is super good. If you like vaporwave, you will love this site.
My friend's site - My friends site